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Colloque de la Hakluyt Society "Maritime Trade, Travel and Cultural Encounter in the 18th and 19th Centuries" (University of Hull, 13-14 novembre 2015)

Le 8 novembre 2015 à 12h03

Hakluyt Society Conference
Maritime Trade, Travel and Cultural Encounter
in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Maritime Historical Studies Centre, University of Hull
Friday 13 November to Saturday 14 November 2015

This conference is being organised by the Hakluyt Society in collaboration with the Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation (WISE) ; the Maritime Historical Studies Centre, University of Hull ; and the University of Worcester.
It focuses on the emergence and effects of new patterns of maritime trade and travel between c.1700 and 1900. Some of the themes considered will be the impact of the Atlantic slave trade, the effects of abolitionist intervention in West Africa, the consequences of coerced and voluntary migration, and the representation of travel and exploration around the Atlantic and the Pacific.

Programme du colloque

Speakers include Captain Michael Barritt (President of the Hakluyt Society), Professor David Richardson (Former Director of WISE, University of Hull), Dr Nigel Rigby (Head of Research, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich), and Dr Silke Strickrodt (Visiting Research Fellow, Centre of Modern Oriental Studies, Berlin).

Conference registration will be free to members of the Hakluyt Society or £30 to non-members (including tea and coffee). However, the registration fee will be waived for individuals who opt to join the Society at the start of the conference on payment of the Society’s annual subscription of £60, or £30 for qualifying student members. This payment will additionally entitle them to a year’s full membership of the Society, while those who qualify as a student members will be eligible for a year’s full membership without further charge. Those taking advantage of this offer will be given the option of subscribing for the current year 2015 and receiving our publications for that year, or of delaying the start of their subscription to the year beginning January 2016.

Conference registration is now open. Members and non-members requiring registration should not apply to the Hakluyt Society but must visit the Eventbrite website, through which registration is being centralised, and where non-members may pay securely by major credit card.

Please click this link to take you directly to the Eventbrite webpage.