Accueil > Actualités ultramarines > Colloque "Esclavage interne, XVe-XIXe siècles/“Domestic Slavery”, (...)

Colloque "Esclavage interne, XVe-XIXe siècles/“Domestic Slavery”, 15th-19th Centuries Sources, Cross-Perspectives, and Definitions" (Collège de France, 24-25 mars 2016)

Le 19 mars 2016 à 15h23

Colloque Esclavage interne, XVe-XIXe siècles
“Domestic Slavery”, 15th-19th Centuries
Sources, Cross-Perspectives, and Definitions"

Collège de France, 24-25 mars 2016

This workshop proposes to discuss the definitions of slavery and bondage by shifting the focal point from “genuine” slavery to “domestic” (i.e. “internal”) forms of bondage. Following the paths opened up by previous scholarship, it proposes to consider slavery less as a uniform condition, a status or a system, than as a multiform relationship, the analysis of which must be replaced within specific social contexts. Participants will present particular forms of institutionalized domestic bondage from various geographic areas during the modern period. In the global perspective of this comparative workshop, presentations will focus on highlighting criteria essential to the characterization of “slavery” (or bondage) in particular social and historical contexts, through an exploration of both normative constructions and concrete practices.

Appel à contribution, pour mémoire.

Funded by Paris Nouveau Mundi

Coordinator : Alessandro Stanziani
Organizer : Claude Chevaleyre

Scientific Committee :
Odile Journet (EPHE), Lionel Kesztenbaum (INED), Catarina Madeira Santos (EHESS, IMAF), Karine Marazyan (Paris 1), Alessandro Stanziani (EHESS, CNRS – coordinator), Thomas Vernet (Paris 1), Claude Chevaleyre (EHESS).

Lieu :
Collège de France
Room 3 (Claude Lévi-Strauss)
52, rue du Cardinal Lemoine
75005 Paris

Source de l’information :