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Appel à communication "New Approaches to African Economic History" (VI African Economic History Network, 21-22 octobre 2016)
Le 11 mai 2016 à 17h58
VI Annual Meeting of the African Economic History Network
"New Approaches to African Economic History
History, Methods and Interdisciplinarity"
University of Sussex, Brighton, UK On Friday 21 - Saturday 22 October 2016
Appel à communication jusqu’au 15 mai 2016
"How can different disciplines and methodological approaches contribute to our understanding of long-term African economic development ? Traditionally, the historiography of Africa’s social and economic past has been shaped and enriched by a cross-fertilization of disciplines. Due to the lack of written records and the paucity of reliable quantitative evidence for a considerable part of the continent’s history, African economic historians engage in productive dialogue with historians, anthropologists, sociologists and economists. The conference will devote particular emphasis to papers and contributions that bring issues of methodology and interdisciplinarity to the fore."
Keynote speaker :
Professor Paul Lovejoy (York University, Toronto, Canada)
Call for papers
The organising committee of the VI Annual Meeting of the African Economic History Network (AEHN) launches a call for papers presenting frontier research in the field of African Economic History, with particular attention to innovative methods for evaluating Africa’s social and economic development in historical and comparative perspectives, both at the micro and macro level. The committee also specifically encourages scholars from Africa to present their work.
The committee solicits both individual papers and proposals for sessions consisting of 3-4 papers. Session organisers and prospective chairs should send session titles along with the names and contact details of presenters, and titles and abstracts for each of the proposed papers.
Presenters should submit paper title and an abstract of no less than 500 words, or full papers.
Paper and panel proposals are to be submitted to :
Deadline for submissions : 15 May 2016
Decisions on submissions can be expected at the end of May 2016.
Local organising committee :
Alexander Moradi, Felix Meier zu Selhausen, Gerardo Serra
Enquiries should be addressed to :
We have negotiated preferential rates on your behalf at three different hotels in Brighton. Please book your own accommodation online.
For further assistance with accomodation email :
View the programme of the 2015 AEHN Workshop at Wageningen University.
Source de l’information :