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Vient de paraître The Oxford Handbook of the Ends of Empire sous la direction de Martin Thomas et d’Andrew Thompson aux Oxford UP
Le 2 septembre 2018 à 16h39
Vient de paraître The Oxford Handbook of the Ends of Empire sous la direction de Martin
"The Oxford Handbook of the Ends of Empire offers the most comprehensive treatment of the causes, course, and consequences of the ends of empire in the twentieth century. The volume’s contributors convey the global reach of decolonization, with chapters analysing the empires of Western Europe, Eastern Europe, China and Japan.
The Handbook combines broad, regional treatments of decolonization with chapter contributions constructed around particular themes or social issues. It considers how the history of decolonization is being rethought as a result of the rise of the ’new’ imperial history, and its emphasis on race, gender, and culture, as well as the more recent growth of interest in histories of globalization, transnational history, and histories of migration and diaspora, humanitarianism and development, and human rights.
The Handbook, in other words, seeks to identify the processes and commonalities of experience that make decolonization a unique historical phenomenon with a lasting resonance. In light of decades of historical and social scientific scholarship on modernization, dependency, neo-colonialism, ’failed state’ architectures and post-colonial conflict, the obvious question that begs itself is ’when did empires actually end ?’ In seeking to unravel this most basic dilemma the Handbook explores the relationship between the study of decolonization and the study of globalization. It connects histories of the late-colonial and post-colonial worlds, and considers the legacies of empire in European and formerly colonised societies."
Contributors :
Robert Aldrich, University of Sydney ; Marieke Bloembergen, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies ; Elizabeth Buettner, University of Amsterdam ; Barbara Bush, Sheffield Hallam University ; Joya Chatterji, University of Cambridge ; Paul Cooke, University of Leeds ; Frederick Cooper, New York University ; Andreas Eckert, Humboldt University ; Robert S. G. Fletcher, University of Warwick ; Charles Forsdick, University of Liverpool ; Robert Gerwarth, University College, Dublin ; Ryan Gingeras, United States Naval Postgraduate School ; Piero Gleijeses, Johns Hopkins University ; Christopher Goscha, University of Quebec ; Joseph Morgan Hodge, West Virginia University ; Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Social Studies-University of Coimbra ; Nicola Labanca, University of Siena ; Christopher J. Lee, Lafayette College, Pennsylvania ; Tehyun Ma, University of Sheffield ; Norrie MacQueen, University of St Andrews ; James Mark, University of Exeter ; Spencer Mawby, University of Nottingham ; Alexey Miller, European University of St Petersburg ; David Motadel, London School of Economics ; Marc-William Palen, University of Exeter ; Panikos Panayi, De Montfort University ; Michael J. Parsons, Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour ; Emmanuelle Saada, Columbia University ; Brad Simpson, University of Connecticut ; Quinn Slobodian, Wellesley College ; Matthew G. Stanard, Berry College ; Sarah E. Stockwell, King’s College, London ; Sylvie Thénault, University of Paris ; Martin Thomas, University of Exeter ; Andrew Thompson, University of Exeter ; Nicholas J. White, Liverpool John Moores University ; Louise Young, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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