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Vient de paraître Atlantic Environments and the American South sous la direction de Thomas Blake Earle and D. Andrew Johnson aux University of Georgia Press

Le 8 avril 2020 à 14h54

Vient de paraître Atlantic Environments and the American South sous la direction de Thomas Blake Earle and D. Andrew Johnson aux University of Georgia Press, coll. "Environmental History and the American South", 2020, 242 p. ISBN : 9-780-8203-5669-3 Prix : 29,95 $ (existe également en version électronique).
La version électronique de l’ouvrage (pdf) est téléchargeable gratuitement sur la plateforme Project MUSE, pendant la durée du confinement.

"There is clear overlap in interests and influences for the fields of Atlantic, environmental, and southern history, but scholarship in them has often advanced on parallel tracks. This anthology places itself at the intersection, pushing for a new confluence. Editors Thomas Blake Earle and D. Andrew Johnson provide a lucid introduction to this collection of essays that brings these disciplines together. With this volume, historians explore crucial insights into a self-consciously Atlantic environmental history of the American South, touching on such topics as ideas about slavery, gender, climate, "colonial ecological revolution," manipulation of the landscape, infrastructure, resources, and exploitation.
By centering this project on a region, the American South-defined as the southeastern reaches of North America and the Caribbean- the authors interrogate how European colonizers, Native Americans, and Africans interacted in and with the (sub)tropics, a place foreign to Europeans.
Challenging the concepts of "Atlantic" and "southern" and their intersection with "environments" is a discipline-defining strategy at the leading edge of emerging scholarship. Taken collectively, this book should encourage more readers to reimagine this region, its time periods, climate(s), and ecocultural networks."

Thomas Black Earle is an assistant professor at Texas A&M University, Galveston, and the author of "For Cod and Country : Cod Fishermen and the Atlantic Dimensions of Sectionalism in Antebellum America" in the Journal of the Early Republic.
D. Andrew Johnson is the author of "Displacing Captives in Colonial South Carolina : Native American Enslavement and the Rise of the State after the Yamasee War" in the Journal of Early American History.