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Vient de paraître The Business of Development in Post-Colonial Africa sous la direction de Véronique Dimier et Sarah Stockwell chez Palgrave Macmillan

Le 16 avril 2021 à 15h03

Vient de paraître The Business of Development in Post-Colonial Africa sous la direction de Véronique Dimier et Sarah Stockwell chez Palgrave Macmillan, coll. "Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies", 2020, XV-360 p. ISBN : 978-3-030-51105-0 Prix : 103,99 € (existe aussi en version électronique).

Cet ouvrage est issu du Colloque ’Business, decolonization and development’, organisé par le laboratoire SAGE (Palais Universitaire de Strasbourg, Jeudi 13 et vendredi 14 octobre 2016).

"This collection brings together a range of case studies by both established and early career scholars to consider the nexus between business and development in post-colonial Africa. A number of contributors examine the involvement of European companies (most notably those of former colonial powers) in development in various African states at the end of empire and in the early post-colonial era. They explore how businesses were not just challenged by the new international landscape but benefited from the opportunities it offered, particularly those provided by development aid. Other contributors focus on the development agencies of the departing colonial powers to consider how far these served to promote the interests of European companies. Together these case studies constitute an important contribution to our understanding of both business and development in post-colonial Africa, redressing an imbalance in existing histories of both business and development which focus predominantly on the colonial period. This volume breaks new ground as one of the very first to bring the study of foreign companies and development aid into the same frame of analysis."


Véronique Dimier is Professor at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. She held the Chaire Gutenberg in 2015 at SAGE, the Research Centre on Society, Stakeholders and Government in Europe, at the University of Strasbourg. She has worked extensively on French and British colonial administrations and on the second career of French colonial officials, most notably in the development field. She is the author of Le Gouvernement des Colonies, Regards Croisés Franco-Britanniques (2004), and The Invention of a European Development Bureaucracy : Recycling Empire (2014).
Sarah Stockwell is Professor of Imperial and Commonwealth History at King’s College London, UK. Her research focuses on the history of British decolonisation, especially in Africa. Her publications include The Business of Decolonization. British Business Strategies in the Gold Coast (2000), The British End of the British Empire (2018), and, as editor, The British Empire. Themes and Perspectives (2007) and, with L.J. Butler, The Wind of Change : Harold Macmillan and British Decolonization (2013).

Nous tenons à remercier amicalement et chaleureusement notre collègue Jacques Frémeaux pour nous avoir signalé cet ouvrage précieux et utile !