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Appel à communication pour l’atelier "The British Empire and the Turkish Republic in the 1920s and 30s" (Cambridge, 31 mars - 1er avril 2017)

Le 14 décembre 2016 à 18h11

Appel à communication pour l’atelier
The British Empire and the Turkish Republic
in the 1920s and 30s

Project "Turkey & Britain from Enemies to Allies, 1914-1952"
Churchill College, Cambridge, 31 mars - 1er avril 2017

Appel à communication jusqu’au 7 janvier 2017

The workshop covers relations between Britain and its expanding empire with the newly established Turkish Republic in the first decades of its existence.
Themes and Research Questions :

The Turkish War of Independence, the Çanak Crisis and occupation of Istanbul ; The negotiation and impact of the Treaty of Lausanne ; The end of the Caliphate in Turkey and the British Empire ; Turkey in British Middle Eastern Policy ; Secularism, the women’s movement, and Ataturk’s Reforms ; The Mosul Dispute ; Kurdish nationalism in Turkey and Iraq.

Confirmed speakers :
Professor Richard Toye (Exeter University)
Sir Michael Llewellyn-Smith
Dr. Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal (BIAA)
Dr. Warren Dockter (Aberwystwyth University)

Call for papers :
We invite scholars interested in taking part in the project to submit proposals for papers to
Submissions will be considered both on their merits and on their relevance to the project as a whole, and we apologise in advance if we are unable to accept all proposals. If you are interested in offering a paper, we would ask you to submit an abstract of 250 words and a short statement explaining the relevance of your proposal to the project.
Please do so by 7 January 2017.

Un grand et amical Merci à Julie d’Andurain pour le signalement de ce précieux appel à communication.
Source de l’information :
H-Turk :
Project "Turkey & Britain from Enemies to Allies, 1914-1952"