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Appels à communication pour le 7e ECAS (European Conference on African Studies) (Bâle, 29 juin-1er juillet 2017)

Le 19 janvier 2017 à 00h18

Appels à communication pour le 7e ECAS
European Conference on African Studies
Urban Africa - Urban Africans
New encounters of the rural and the urban

Bâle, 29 juin-1er juillet 2017

Les appels à communications sont valables jusqu’au 19 janvier 2017

"The Centre for African Studies Basel and the Swiss Society for African Studies welcome you to the 7th European Conference on African Studies ECAS 2017 with the theme : Urban Africa - Urban Africans : New encounters of the rural and the urban, which they organise on behalf of the Research Network of African Studies Centres in Europe AEGIS.
The scholarly community in response to our call published in June 2016 submitted 347 panel proposals out of which the Scientific Committee with the support of the Programme Committee selected 223. The call for papers is now open and scholars in African Studies are invited to propose papers to the panel(s) of their choice. Please refer to the call for papers page."

On pourra compléter avec cet article antérieur sur notre site (28 sept. 2016) :

On signalera notamment les panels suivants :

Making Home in Bordelands. Urban-Rural Mobility in the Margins of the Post-Colonial State
This panel proposes to move critical focus onto topics still largely under-studied : professional mobility "à rebours" [in the opposite direction], from cosmopolitan African capitals to borderlands. How urban-rural mobility redefine social and individual identities in their relation to the State ?

Non-Penal Confinement in Africa
This panel examines the place of non-penal spaces of confinement, where social, economic and political control is exercised. It probes the suppression of "dangerous classes" by political authorities, and highlights the geographies of control linking incarceration in cities and in rural areas.

Urban Scenographies of Political Power in Africa before 1900
This panel focusses on African cities before 1900, examining through an interdisciplinary approach how political power is materially embodied and symbolically staged in the urban space through a variety of architectural interventions, visual representations, discourses and cultural practices.
Convenors :
Roberto Zaugg (Université de Lausanne)
Clélia Coret (Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / Institut des Mondes Africains)

Source de l’information :
Merci à Jean-Philippe Dedieu ( pour avoir attiré notre attention, notamment sur le panel :
Non-Penal Confinement in Africa
Merci à Clélia Coret de nous avoir signalé le panel qu’elle co-organise avec Roberto Zaugg :
Urban Scenographies of Political Power in Africa before 1900

Article mis en ligne le 16 janvier 2017 et mis à jour le 19 janvier 2017 (panel co-organisé par Clélia Coret)