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Appel à communications : "“Migration Management” and International Organizations in the 20th Century" (April 23-25 2015, Athens, Greece)

Le 5 septembre 2014 à 18h36

International Conference
“Migration Management” and International Organizations in the 20th Century April 23-25 2015, Athens, Greece
 ’’Leonidas Zervas’’ Amphitheatre of the National Hellenic Research Foundation 48, Vassileos Constantinou Avenue

The Conference is organized as part of the research project Migration Management and International Organizations : A history of the establishment of the International Organization for Migration in the context of the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” (Action “ARISTEIA”). Both the Conference and the Project are co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund) and national funds.

Argumentaire détaillé

Researchers interested in participating in the Conference are requested to send their proposals to Dimitris Parsanoglou Proposals should be approximately 400 words in length.
If selected, entry to and participation in the conference is free of charge. The conference gathering will include morning and afternoon tea.
The deadline for submitting proposals is September 15 2014. Notification for approved submission by November 30 2014.
At the conclusion of the conference we will provide you with potential publication details for selected conference papers